Interviews with CBS's comedy series "Murphy Brown"
Executive Producers Gary Dontzig & Steven Peterman

Hollywood Live! on Internet Relay Chat

Internet Relay Chat, or IRC, permits "real time" dialogue between two or more people who log onto the same IRC channel. Hollywood Live! is using a special channel called #hwlive on which you can ask questions of our celebrity guests.

Connecting to IRC

You need access via a client. If you have a shell account, your server probably has IRC on a menu - or try typing "irc" at your Unix command line. If you have a SLIP/PPP account but can dial up "on the unix side," this often is the easiest way to access IRC.

There are also software programs that make it easy to access IRC. Some available programs are:

Whatever software you use, you need to connect to an IRC server on the EFNet, which is the major IRC network. There are many such servers. Some of them are:

IRC Commands (non-Macintosh/Homer users)

Once you have successfully used your client software to connect with an EFNet server, you need to join the channel #hwlive:

Using Homer

Homer is an easy-to-use IRC program for the Macintosh. The very first time you use Homer you'll get a window asking for some basic information:

Once you're connected to the server, choose New Channel from the File Menu, type in #hwlive and click the Join button to connect to our channel.

You'll have three windows on screen. The largest (Console) is where messages appear.

Another is the input window where you type messages. (It has LINK on the left and ACTION on the right.) To send messages, just place your cursor in the window, type your message and press return.

The third displays a list of the nicknames of users online (it's the window with the "Go Offline" button and NICK panel at the bottom where your nickname will be displayed.)

For more detail about Homer you can download Homer Documentation.

And for more information about Ircle for the Macintosh, click here.

For more information about IRC:

  • Hollywood Live! - "Murphy Brown" Page.

  • Hollywood Live! - Main Page.

  • Hollywood Network Main Page.

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