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Makeup Tips File Drawer #9

Ref 488. Gloria,
I am 15 years old with slightly oily skin and a few pimples. A pharmacist recomended me to try a bezol peroxide product (.5%). Since salicylic acid products don't fight my deep pimples, i was wondering if benzol peroxide is a good product to use?

Response to Ref 488. Yes it is good for breakouts and preventing them, I have benzol peroxide in my products.


Ref 489. Dear Gloria,
I would like to know if their are any side effects or hazards from using a peroxide tooth whitening kit?
Thanx alot,

Response to Ref 489. Tay, At this point in time I have been very pleased with my results with peroxide.


Ref 490. Dear Gloria,
I have read and seen this product in many magazines but i don't have a clue where to find it. It's " Stila all over shimmer ". Do i have to go to a department store or can i find it in drugstores?

Response to Ref 490. Try a beauty supply store.


Ref 491. Gloria,

When i go tanning, is it safest to cover up my face completely? Will i get raccoon eyes if i don't cover it and wear the goggles?Do you have any tips on how to tan quicker?

Response to Ref 491. Yes, do not tan and avoid skin cancer, which is on the rise, especially in young people.


Ref 492. G,
Should i go to a dermatologist if i have very mild acne, but it's very freqent and dugstore products don't work? I get theses REALLY deep down pimples that i can feel coming for more than a week before they pop up, and they are big and red and VERY painful and no matter what i do (masks or acne medication) i can't prevent them! I only get one or 2 on my face at a time, but they look terrible and they HURT! is it time to see a dermo?

Response to Ref 492. Have you kept a record of your diet? Where on your face do these pimples pop up? Contact me again.


Ref 493. Gloria, I don't know if you can answer this 4 me, but i'll give it a shot.

I'm 16, and i was wondering if guys like the less makeup look, or the more glamorus, heavy look? Does it just depend on the guy?

Response to Ref 493. All the men I have known have wanted women who look naturally pretty, not perfect. It seems to be important for the woman to wake up next to them without makeup and to still look lovely. Take good care of your skin.


Ref 494. Is it true that you can use olive oil on the tips of your hair to deep condition it? Does it really work?

Response to Ref 494. Olive oil is good as a conditioner, but does your hair need oil or moisture?


Ref 495. Also, can vinegar clarify your hair and make it shinnier if you rinse your hair with it (before you shampoo). Please clarify these "food myths" for me,

Response to Ref 495. If you have blonde hair make the last rinse of white vinegar and if it is dark use the amber colored vinegar. Put a cap full in 2 quarts of water rinse and leave in the hair.


Ref 496. i would like to know how i can apply makeup to make my nose appear shorter.

Response to Ref 496. Use a touch of a darker foundation on the tip of your nose, you will have to practice to find out how far up on to the nose to apply the contour.


Ref 497. Hi!!! I'm 15 years old and have a good conplexion for my age but the only thing is that I have
a long scar near my eye and on the side of my nose. I'm sick of everyone
asking me what happened. I was wondering what can I do to cover it up and what brand of makeup would work and lst the best
on my scar? My scar is also very red!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!

Response to Ref 497. Check at a beauty supply store that carries theatrical makeup to cover scars.


Ref 499. gloria,
i am 15 years old with fair complexioned, fairly clear skin. this might sound stupid, but i was wondering if there is any way to get those cute little freckles on my nose and cheeks. I have no freckles, and i know lots of people hate them, but i think it's very cute. I don't wasnt to "draw" them on either. could you help?

Response to Ref 499. I think painted on freckles might look like your skin had a problem. I wish so many of the people who hate their freckles could give them to you.


Ref 500. Gloria,
Do u know of any good tinted moisturizers 4 slightly oily, fair skin? Do u know of any good cream/liquid blushes? Can u get a more natural glow with them?

Response to Ref 500. Heather, A powder blusher would be best for an oily skin. Look for a tinted powder makeup.


Ref 502. Gloria,
You see I have this sun burn and I want a moisturizer that will help it not to peel do you know of any certain brand or any certain kind that would help me out here?

Response to Ref 502. Angie, The Mineral Mist spray is great for burns. I know you don't need it now, but it's great to have on hand. Next best is an Aloe Vera plant in the yard or window. Cut a leaf and apply its juice to your skin.


Ref 503. Gloria,
How can I order your book Grow Young? I looked on your web pages and I couldn't find any information about it. Thanks for your help.


Response to Ref 503. Please see reply to Ref 473.

Ref 504. I have aquestion for ya. Ever since I started wearing makeup I have worn black mascara( I am blonde with fair skin and blue eyes). Now I am trying to figure out if that is the right color or not. I don't look bad with black mascara but I have never tried brown. Will I look totally bad with brown mascara instead of black. I have had an analysis before and they said that I should wear blask mascara. Ever since I have been confused. Please help. One more thing if I wear brown mascara what color eyeliner should I wear? Thanks for you help.

Response to Ref 504. A dark brown will be softer and allow your natrual beauty to shine. The shadow that looks best on you will always go with the brown mascara.


Ref 515. Hi, Gloria! I have combination skin, my T-zone is oily. So, I have some ances and pimple especially on my nose, that's so annoying, but there are still some old marks left behind, is there any way to get rib of them?

Response to Ref 515. Don't squeeze any pimples on or around your nose. Place a very clean warm wet cloth on your clean nose, this will soften the pimple plugs and skin. Put a little honey on your fingers and pat your nose, the honey is sticky and will have a pulling effect which will remove the blackheads that are ready to come out. I have some great masks to re texture the skin too.


Ref 516. Gloria, what have you heard about the introduction of jausic acid that claims to be able to remove the pigmentation around the eyes that give us dark circles? I saw a brief report about the stuff on a local news show here in New York City.

Response to Ref 516. Wait for a year and we will hear all the problems people are having with it. The area around the eyes is very delicate very close to the eyes, be careful.


Ref 517. HI Gloria
I am a 20 year old college student and I still break out on my cheeks. Usually, I break out right before my period and for some reason I havent been able to prevent it. I have tried Retin-A but that just dries out my skin and irritates my skin a lot. I have also tried Neutrogena and less harsh medecines but those dont help that much. What precautions should I take to keep my skin clean? I also wear a considerable amount of makeup to cover up my skin -- I use MAC makeup which is non comedogenic, so it shouldn't mess up my skin, but is it just better to try and stay away from makeup altogether? Thanks so much for your time

Response to Ref 517. It's not on the surface. Stop eating all sugar one full week before your peroid. Drink lots of water and increase foods with "zinc" vitamin's B, A and C. Give yourself 2 months to see results. Please let me know how you do.


Ref 518. Hi Gloria, what do you think a 25 year-old guy can use on his skin to keep me looking good. I dont have acne or dry looking skin, and I look younger than I am, but I use the tanning salon alot and I been noticing changes in my face during the daytime. I been noticing wrinkles on my forehead and small lines under my eyes. Can you suggest some things I should be doing? My girlfriend said to use her alpha/betahydroxy.

Response to Ref 518. The lines on your forehead are from the expressions you are making. Start your face exercising right away. You'll stay young looking forever!


Ref 519. Gloria I'm on accutane and have been so for three months. It has cleared the acne on my arms a back but my face seems to be getting worse and worse. Do you have any suggestions as to what I should do? I've tryed drying them out but underneith the scab it is still really red. It's really hard to cover up.

Response to Ref 519. Elise, I need to speak to you personally. E-mail me.


Ref 520. Dear Gloria,
i have really blonde hair with green streeks what kind of make-up should i wear.

Response to Ref 520. Try purple based eye shadow.


Ref 521. Gloria, I have extra curly hair, it is very long. I have had the same hair style for
a long time. what hair styles do you suggest for extra curly hair

Response to Ref 521. An excellent hairstylist.


Ref 522. Hello Gloria!
I am looking to find a "waterproof, eat proof, wipe proof, kiss proof" type of lip liner & lipstick.
Or a cream that can make at least the upper lip fuller & fix the faded color of my natural lip.
Also, what would you do when you go the waxing route for the upper lip when the hair starts to
grow out? That is exactly the part I would like to AVOID.
I have been bleaching for years. I need the hair to be GONE!
I appreciate any suggestions. I read ALL the Q&A's...
Could you possibly suggest ANY makeup line for the LIP dilemma?

Response to Ref 522. N, Well yes, I have written a chapter on and about the lips. Check out my book "Grow Young." The lipstick you described drys the lip tissue and they have not perfected the formulas yet. Apply your lip pencil and lipstick, blot and re-apply as if for the first time, blot. That will help your lip color last longer.


Ref 523. Gloria,
I am reffering back to you (ref 492). My deep down red pimples are very random, they are not post-period breakouts, and they do not occur when i eat certain foods. They appear on my nose, chin, cheeks, between my eyebrows, and only one at a time (i thankfully never have more than one at the same time). The most common places are my nose and between my eyebrows and on my chin near my mouth. i thought it was my toothpaste, but it wasn't. Salycylic acid doesn't work and .5% benzol peroxide has minimal effects.I use mask to unglogg pores 1 a week. Please, i really need your help!

Response to Ref 523. Chloe, I have clients who have had very good results by taking zinc tablets. One young woman had taken aceutane and after 5 months began to break out again. She too has had good results taking zinc daily. It takes a couple of months to see the effect. Check your digestion. Contact me again.


Ref 524. G,
do you have any tips as to get a "glowing" complexion? Powdered blush looks too matte. Would a liquid or stick blush work better? What about exfoliating?

Response to Ref 524. If your skin is dry use a cream blush, you may need to reapply later in the afternoon. If your skin is oily exfoliate twice a week, and if your are dry only once a week.


Ref 525. Is there a quick remedy for puffy eyes when you get up in the morning?

Response to Ref 525. Check for allergies to your bedding or any dust in your room. Sleep with your head on a thicker pillow. Apply cold wet cotton pads for ten minutes.


Ref 527. gloria, i have naturally fair skin and freckles on my face. i don't mind having them on my nose, but i'd like to try and fade several that are really dark. i have tried a fading cream, but that makes me break out. is their a gel alternative or something else i might do?

Response to Ref 527. Yes, wear sun screen and stay out of direct sun as it activates the pigment that becomes your freckles.


Ref 529. Hi Gloria,
I am a girl of 18 and I am not very beautiful. I am 1.70m tall and I weigh 60 kilo's.
I have half long black thin hair. I want to become a star, very soon.
So, what are the tips you can give me? Bye.

Response to Ref 529. Keep practicing your trade. Look at the actresses of today, not everyone is beautiful. Develop a knowledge of who you are. And keep working.


Ref 530. Hi . I have blond hair , baby blue eyes with royal blue rims around
them (I really hate that !), and a fair complection . I wear browns
mostly , but I'm getting kinda tired of it . Any other colors I could
go with ? And I would also like to know if there is any way to make
my lips look fuller ? Thank you so much .

Response to Ref 530. Ashley, baby blue eyes with royal blue rims are unusual and one day you may see how special they are. Try a dark blue eye pencil or a medium gray. Use a light colored lip gloss.


Ref 531. Gloria,
I'm 16 and i have permanent dark circles under my eyes. (They run in the family and i've had them since i was very little.)I am trying to find ways with eye makeup to make me look less tired. First, i wore no eye makeup except for concealer, but it looked like i just woke up. Then i tried light colored eyeliner, but no matter what, it looks like it's smudged all over my eyes becase the area is so dark.Could you please give me some eyemakeup tips for making me look more awake? I have already found a very good under eye concealer.( I have green/gold eyes, a fair complexion and blonde hair.)

Response to Ref 531. Blaise, Are you getting enough sleep, do you have allergies, are you eating enough protein or are you eating too much sugar. Allergies can run in the family and appear to be genetic. Let's try to get to the root of the dark circles since covering them up is such a pain. It seems you have tried everything that I would have suggested in makeup. There is a makeup that is used to cover birthmarks. Ask about it at a theatrical makeup store.


Ref 532. Gloria,
What are some house hold things i could use to dye my hair a lighter color?

Response to Ref 532. Lexy, rinse your hair in lemon juice or white vinegar.


Ref 533. hi Gloria i was wondering what colours of makeup would look best on me i have long curly dark brown hair brown eyes and naturaly tanned skin
thanks for your time Eliz

Response to Ref 533. Eliz, try the natural neutral browns and earth tones for that natural look. Try to match your eye color.


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