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Makeup Tips File Drawer #6

Ref 330. Hi Gloria. I have strawberry blond hair, and want to dye it lighter, to get rid of the reddish colour. How do I do this without my hair going Yellow, or green? (or orange for that matter).

Response to Ref 330. Only a professional hair colorist can tell you that when they see your hair.


Ref 331. REF 331. Hi Gloria. I'm a 35 year old woman with hair that is starting to grey. I want to dye it, probably a medium brown (closest to my natural dk brown). Anyway my hair is nail straight and about shoulder length with bangs. I want to cut it into a shape that is stylish, sporty, and easy to care for, w/o a perm, and fits my round face. I know my hair looks best off the sides of my face, but there are not many styles that are away from the face w/o being very short. Can you help?

Response to Ref 331. I have been a profession facialist for 20 years. Hairstyling is not my thing. But, your hair cut sounds very nice for a round face and I advise everyone to cut samples of their hair color when they are young (do this for your children) so the hair colorist can match your natural hair coloring.


Ref 332. Hi! I'm 18, almost 19 and a college freshman. I have a very round face and some old red blotches from acne. I get occasional breakouts still. My skin is very oily and I need a cleanser and toner to take care of it. I also need a moisturizer in the winter that is oil-free because ny face gets dry and flaky over the oily parts. Do you have any suggestions on facial products that will remove oil and not leave my face really dry in the winter? I have blond hair and green eyes and not much time to spend primping. Any suggestions?

Response to Ref 332. I have a list of products on my web site. I need to ask you a few more questions before suggesting a product. E-mail me at glo3@ix.netcom.com


Ref 334. Hi! I'm 22 years old pursuing a career in acting/modeling. I need to
get my teeth straightened and put on braces. Is this going to inhibit me
from getting jobs, or would this just as easily be air brushed. Do I need
to consult about getting removable braces? Any suggestions?

Response to Ref 334. Air brushing is time consuming and expensive, get the removable braces.


Ref 335. What's the best color eye makeup to where with green eyes, blond hair and fair skin?

Response to Ref 335. I suggest my book Grow Young, there are 2 chapters that tell you step by step how to choose the eye colors that will enliven your complexion and eye color. It also will tell you how to apply your makeup to achieve the look you want.


Ref 336. Greetings Gloria, What would you suggest for eye make-up all mine lie!
The pencils will not even go on I even went to make-up counters & the techs there could not help either. What ever happened to the old type of eye-liner that came in a cake & had to be applied with a moistened brush? The waterproof mascaras all smudge or end up on the lower eye
skin after an hour even and were never applied to lower lashes. I loved the cake mascara even for application ease (that ran too, but not as quickly). I'm 43 & these products have not been availabe for 30 yrs.!
I have a unusual complexion yellow toned with pink as well, hazel eyes & dark brown/black long thin hair with bangs. I have always worn it down & parted in the middle, with bangs that are ok. for a round face w/ high cheeks. You suggest not to wear blue tint for clothes, to diminish the under eye circle but that seems to be the one color(periwinkle is best)
for me! My only question is how to make the most of small almond shaped eyes. Thank you, Val

Response to Ref 336. Val, There is a reason your eye makeup is smudging. What kind of moisturizer are you using and where? There are tricks to keeping your makeup from running; I was a model and would have lost my job if my makeup smudged after an hour. email me. All your questions are answered in my "Grow Young" book. Especially about the dark circles under the eyes, there are many reasons for them and ways to cover or get rid of them. The color eye shadow you choose can help dimension the dark circles. Blue tint will increase the dark circles and clash with the yellow in your skin. Use natural skin tone based colors.


Ref 337. Hi Gloria

I'm an 28 year old English Rose - how can I get film star looks & great hair ??

Response to Ref 337. Try lavender based eye colors and find a great hairstylist.


Ref 338. Hi Gloria,
My name is Molly and I've been having bags under my eyes.I use concealer to try to cover them up but they still show.I have never had this problem before.I'm starting to think mabey I need more sleep, but that doesn't make sense because I sleep all the time.Well is there any way I can get rid of them.Please help.

Response to Ref 338. It sounds like you need a check-up with your physician. There are many reasons for fluid collecting under the eyes. Let me know what you find out and then we can talk.


Ref 339. I'm Cheri and My friend Brandie is with me! My eyeliner keeps smudging all over after a couple hours and makes a crease line under my eye how do I prevent that.

Response to Ref 339. Cheri and Brandie, How oily is your skin, what creams are you using under of near the eye? E-mail again.

Ref 340. Hi,
I'm 43 years old and I am frustrated with puffy, bags under my eyes, is there anything short of plastic surgery that will reduce the puffiness?

Need help in Texas

Response to Ref 340. Yes but the many suggestions and research is too long for this space. My book "Grow Young" covers this question in detail. At last I have finished a book that can help you find your answer.


Ref 341. Hi, I have acne. It's not too bad but it's stayed the same for a year
and a half now. I've tried all the store stuff, that didn't work.
Then last November I was put on Tetracyclene and a "Topical" lotion.
It took a while to work but a long time, like 3-4 months. And the sun
exposure was horrible. I am still on it, but I really hate taking all
the pills. Oh, and I wash my face 3 times a day. I was wondering if
there was any alternative medication, or soap.. A real soap. Thanks.

Response to Ref 341. Yes there are ways to work with acne, there are herbs, diet, don't wash your face more than 2 times a day. Look on my product page for the problem skin care products.


Ref 342. I would like a few freckles. What is a good makeup pencil or marker to draw on some freckles that won't smudge?

Response to Ref 342. Ask at your local Beauty Supply store.


Ref 343. Hey. I have oily skin, but I can do a fair job keeping down for about 4 hours. After that, my forehead and noise become shiny and it is very annoying. Also, at the end of the day, my skin looks very tired. I am 16, I live in termperate climate, and I don't think I have done anything recently to invoke this. I have had this condition for about three years, and each year it gets easier to work with, but I would really like to look people in the eye when I talk to them. I am ashamed of my oily skin. Thanks

Response to Ref 343. Kiss the oil on your face, it will keep you young longer. As the oil comes out blot gently so you don't remove your makeup. Wash in the morning and at night, do not apply moisturizer, use the water based gel. Do use water based foundation. E-mail me for the color.


Ref 344. Hi there,i have naturally dark(mousey) hair,but i streak it blonde,
it seems to be silky and in fairly nice condition,i'm wondering if i
can perm it.I've been told people should never perm and bleach,is
this true?I need some life in this flat mop,thanks.

Response to Ref 344. You may find that just getting your hair permed will give your hair more body and lighten it a bit. See how your hair responds.


Ref 345. Hi, I really don't know what to do, I am a 17 year old female, and I'm getting ready to go to my homecoming dance, and I just got this really huge blemish on my face, can you recomend anything to lessen it?

Response to Ref 345. If you have a professional facalist where you live go in and ask for a zap with the high frequency machine, that will help reduce the blemish.


Ref 346. Hi, I am a 13 year old with a big hair problem. At the end of last year I wanted a change, so I dyed my beautiful medium brown hair to a red color. Then I permently dyed it burgandy! I cried when it started to grow out. My mom tried to dye it back, but it wouldn't get the red out. Then I went to a pro. and she dyed it. It totally damaged it. Now it's all fly away frizzy at the top. I don't know what to do. I have a very beautiful face, but my hair. I would like it to be healthy and shiny again before next year!Please help me! Monique

Response to Ref 346. Thank goodness this happened to you at age 13. You have learned to appreciate your natural beauty. As we have all had to do, let your hair grow out, keep conditioning and pampering it.


Ref 347. Hi, I am a 25 year old with an acne problem. My problem is not as much the acne, but the scares it leaves behind. I scrub and wash multiple times but the acne scares leave behind ugly black spots. I was told this is because of my skin tone. I am at the point were I ready to try any thing no matter how extreme. Please help. This affects me in many ways.

Response to Ref 347. Don't scrub your skin, it will only irritate it.


Ref 348. I am a 18 year old female that seems to have so little time raising
a son and going to college. I have very pale skin with a lil dab
of freckles. It seems to be blemished any more. What would cause this
and how can I get rid of it? I want my pure ivory skin back! My hair-
it is naturally curly and frizzy. What can I do to get rid of all the
frizzies I have? I have black hair also. I just want to look and feel
good again.

Single mother

Response to Ref 348. Ms single Mom, I think you mean that you now have blemishes. That could be a hormonal problem. Give me more information. Your hairstylist can stop the frizziness.


Ref 349. hi, iam a teenager and since I was once i shaved above my lip, now I am scared to let it grow back in. It will probably will be so thick and dark!!!! What can I do?????

Response to Ref 349. Are you male or female? Laser surgery can help remove the scarring.


Ref 350. Gloria, I'm 22 look 16 but have almond shaped eyes with a strong deep lids.
They look beautiful on my mother but they make us look 10 years older in
the face and even sad. I'd like to pluck my eye brows maybe to help but I'm
afraid to do it with out help near by. I went to a shop but they wanted to
wax! I've never heard of that to the eyebrows. Help me before I just shave
them off! Almond eyes.

Response to Ref 350. There are ways to change the shape of your eyes, even almond, which I think are beautiful. You can shape your own eyebrows, my book "Grow Young" tells you step by step how to do both.


Ref 351. I'm a teenager who has zits (common... i know...but i still HATE them)
i'm trying some prescription strength medications....(although my face isn't THAT bad.... i don't want it to get bad... i want it PERFECT--i really want to be a model..) the medications i am using is supposed to work in 2 months... but is there any masks or anything that can get rid of them MUCH sooner??? also...if not is there any make up that won't make my skin worse but cover it up until it heals?

Response to Ref 351. Look on my skin care page. There are a couple of masks to choose from. Tell me more about where your zits are and I can make a suggestion. Using a mask consistently will help control the breakouts.


Ref 352. Gloria, My skin is perfect. Sounds like i have no problem. but all my friends are extremly jealous of me. What should i do? what should i tell them? please help.

Response to Ref 352. Jealousy, I never understood why Elizabeth Taylor got 2 rolls of lashes and I didn't... Be supportive to your friends Do NOT put yourself down to help them feel better. There is nothing to tell them, they must grow and learn about their own beauty.


Ref 353. Gloria, I'm a 17 year old male and extremely light complected. I play football, so my forearms get tan after a period of time outside (a few days), but the rest of my body, out of sun exposure, stays WAY white. I get teased sometimes when I go swimming, and things of that nature. Is there any type of medication that will help me, such as a pill or liquid, or creme to rub on to maybe turn my skin a darker color over a period of time, not being that "tube" creme that looks brownish or paints your skin...Thanks a bunch!

Response to Ref 353. Wear long sleeves to cover your arms to prevent the skin from tanning. There are some tanning products to darken your skin on the market... They are getting better.


Ref 354. Gloria, what pimple products work the best for a reasonable price.

Response to Ref 354. One product does not work for every skin type. Tell me more about where and how often you break out. How do you care for your skin each day?


Ref 355. Hi Gloria,
I am a 15 year old, and I seem to have a problem with my face.
I buy new products for my face, and they work for awhile, but then they give up. It's almost like my skin get's used to it or something.
Thats when I go back and try something else, and it happens again, great for some months and then all of a sudden products dont work. I wanna try to stop wearing makeup all together, but everytime I don't wear makeup, I look awful cause my face get's blotchy cause of the pimples or the pimples just totally stand out, and I'm too embarrassed to walk around like that. Also I have 3 chicken pox scars on my face that I am very very self- concious about, and I was wondering if you have any tips on how to cover them up, or any face materials whether makeup or lotions, to get rid of them, or not make them so obvious.



Response to Ref 355. Sarah, The chicken pox scars can be lightened or removed with Laser surgery. Laser is a light not a knife.


Ref 357. Strange things abound, but this is really something. I went from having great manageable hair to a complete disaster! I try every shampoo and conditioner combination out there and all they do is make the problem worst. When I shampoo, etc, and comb, etc, my hair is fine -- as soon as it dries, puff, I'm a walking cotton-top. The hair won't stay combed. Also, if a gush of wind lifts a good portion, up a good portion stays! The solution thus far has been to apply gel or 30-in-1 super mousse by the Elmer's Glue people. This never happened before, and I hate relying on such chemicles for balance. Is there an alternative? Please don't say, "shave your head and wear it shiny."
And, thanks

Response to Ref 357. Romius I loved your comment. Ask around for a hairstylist who works with natural products. She can see and feel your hair and then make suggestions.


Ref 358. i have zits and i hate it, but i have to where make up, because my skin is sort of blotchy. i have fair skin brown hair and brown eyes, can u suggest some good make-up colors for me and a way to get rid of zits?

Response to Ref 358. Do you have warm or cool brown eyes and hair? I have 2 chapters in "Grow Young" that give you step by step instructions to finding your skin tone, hair color and the best colors to enliven both these and pop your eye color. Wearing the correct color can calm down blotches on the skin too.


Ref 359. Hello! What can I do to get rid of the dark circles under my eyes? I'm 33 years old, have an olive complexion, get about 8 hours of sleep a night, lost 15 pounds in 2 mos. on a steady diet based heavily on slimfast-type drinks, and know that this is not hereditary. I'd like not to use makeup unless absolutely necessary, and would prefer a natural solution. Also, I'm not allergic to any foods that I know of. I've scanned your advice to others, but have not found anything to help. Please advise!!!!!! Thanks, Luscious L

Response to Ref 359. Luscious, Dark circles have many causes. Have you been getting enough protein? Are you low on some of your vitamins and minerals? Scientists have not made a product that furnishes all the needed nutrition to keep our body's health. My book "Grow Young" has a chapter on how to find the perfect diet for you. Great skin and a slim body.


Ref 360. gloria, hi my name is sarah...i have brn hair and eyes and my skin is medium complected...i have a problem with my face...you see my face is oily..i don't like the shine so i have been using mayelline shine free makeup but it doesn't seem to work very well for me...do you know of any maekup that i can wear that won't make it look like i have a ton of makeup on and keeps the shine off of my face?


Response to Ref 360. Sarah, use a water base makeup and blot the oily areas many times during the day.


Ref 361. Hi Gloria,
I am a 23 years old Asian girl. I had some hormonal problems which
caused extra facial hair specially at the upper lip and the chin.
The hair are black and hard. I have to constantly thread them out
, but I still don’t get the neat look. There are always some small
hair about to come out which are still too short for the thread.
Also the skin at the upper lip and chin has become slightly darker
than rest of the skin. My face is diamond shaped so the chin is
very prominent. I usually don’t wear any makeup so concealer is
not the solution I am looking for. I am getting married very soon
and I am really worried about it. Could you please tell me how to
lighten these dark shades. Is electrolyses any good?
Any other suggestion regarding this matter.

Response to Ref 361. Fouzia, over touching or pinching the skin when you pull the hair out can cause it to darken. Find a professional waxing salon. I do have a lightening gel. E-mail me and I will tell you more about it. Have a physical check-up too.


Ref 362. I never wear make-up because I have no idea were to start. I am afraid I'll get the wrong shade and look like a ghost or I'll get too dark. How could you help me? I also need to pluck my eyebrows but i'm afraid I'll mess up and won't know how to shape them. Can you Help?

Response to Ref 362. You are just the person who needs to read my book "Grow Young." It has a chapter that guides you step by step about how to chose your foundation color, how to apply it and how to find your best colors eye shadows and eyeliner colors.


Ref 363. Hi - I have a problem with mascara. I have red hair, fair skin and blonde eyelashes. It seems like I have to apply so much mascara just to get enough color. I started using waterproof just because it seems have a darker color, but it gets a little spikey. What mascara would give me the most color without spiking - also what color should I be using - some tell me brown and other say black? thanks a bunch!!!

Response to Ref 363. Have your lashes tinted professionally. That will darken them and if you still need them darker apply some brown mascara.


Ref 364. 1.Hi - No matter how hard I try my hair does not get shiny like the models in all of the magazines. What shampoo do I have to use?
2.What kind of makeup is the best to use?
3. What is the best kind of cleanser to get rid of pimples?

Response to Ref 364. What we see in the magazines is not always natural products, lighting can give a shine to the hair. Healthy hair will take on a natural shine. Try different shampoos until you find the one that works best for your type of hair. Look on my skin care product page. There are products for problem skin.


Ref 365. Hi - I would do anything for white teeth, but I need something that is still healty. Can you recomend anything?

Response to Ref 365. There are many tooth pastes on the market. Try some of them.


Ref 366. My girlfriend has dark facial hair above the lip and would like to reduce the intensity to a light blond. Can you suggest? I've heard that peroxide will do the trick. If so, how would we apply it, (peroxide).

Response to Ref 366. You need your first treatment to be from a professional so they can give you some training about how to use peroxide on your facial skin. Don't burn your face....


Ref 367. Hey Gloria ... First of all, you've helped me a lot by answering all the Q's people ask. Now, I need some help with my weight. I weighed 71KG's and I have lost 8 KG's so now I am 63 KG's (15 years of age, 1,3M)...The problem is I have fat legs. My legs are "shaped" well and I know that when they get smaller would have nice legs. Please could you tell me how I can do that, I am desperate! Also now I have sellulite on my stomach...please help me! GOD BLESS..

Response to Ref 367. Give your body time to adjust to the weight lose. Walk and do sit-ups with your feet flat on the floor, I put a medium size ball (something larger than a base ball between my knees) doing 3 sets of 30. Try that.


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