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Makeup Tips File Drawer #5

Ref 236. Hi! I'm mexican and have tanned skin and I get really oily skin. I've tried everything. What kind of products would you recommend to use?

Response to 236. If you have breakout I can send you products with benzoyl peroxide and the Matt foundation I have (if you wear it) will help control the oiliness during the day.


Ref 237. What types of tanning lotion do you recommend for getting a natural looking tan not blotchy?? What do you think about self tanners?

Response to 237. You need to sample the self tanners on the market to find one that works well with your skin. There is no natural tan, tanning over time will blotch the skin.


Ref 238. Hi. I'm 15 yrs old and wash my face twice a day, but my complextion never seems to get clearer. How do I get smooth skin like my peers? Also, lipsticks always turn funky colors on me. Lately I've been trying to wear brownish tones. Is this a smart move? One more thing. I have tried layering my really wild, curly hair and it backfired. Is there an alternative cut that I could get?

Response to 238. Breakouts are not usually caused by lack of cleaning. I do have a product that will help with the breakouts, when used over a 10 day period. When using a light color lipstick, apply a yellow under base first to prevent the color from changing. That how I solved the same problem at your age, and I out grew the need to use an under base. You need a good hair stylist who understands curly hair.


Ref 239. I really want to be a model, but I am only 5'2" tall. Is there any chance for me out there?

Response to 239. There are print models that are your height, keep looking.


Ref 240. Hi! I was a victim of a bad haircut!! I can't seem to find a way to style my new chin-length layered do. Any suggestions?

Response to 240. I'm also a victim of a bad haircut, I have a cap on until it grows. Find a picture of the look that you want, ask a hair stylist if your hair texture is good for that look and then ask how they would style your hair to get that look. I am learning to cut the style I want.


Ref 242. Hi,
When I shave my skin gets really itchy and turns out. I've tried using an antibacterial soap before shaving, but this doesn't work. I was thinking of using a hair removing cream but have read that the hair grows back really dark and thick. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Response to 242. Are you male or female? Female, try professional waxing, it takes a month for regrowth and often lightens regrowth. The hair remover can burn your skin if you are not careful.


Ref 243. I have very dark brown hair and I want to highlight it but I don't want to go to the salon. Any ideas?

Response to 243. If this is the first time you have high lightened your hair, go to the salon first and talk to a professional. A great deal of their appointments are trying to undo what someone has tried to do themselves.


Ref 244. Dear Gloria,
Where is the best place to shop generally for most types of make-up, (If it makes a difference I am Filipino - American).
Thank You, "Usn"

Response to 244. I don't know where you are located, but most cosmetic counters in the department stores have a wide range of colors.


Ref 245. I am a male and my facial skin is very red and when excited becomes even more flushed. Is there anything I can do to reduce this?

Response to 245. Sorry, it is part of having a light, sensitive skin. I know. You can learn to look at the situations and things that people say to you that cause you to flush and discover why you have an emotional reaction.


Ref 246. hello I'm consider a very hairy person, what product would you recommend me to use,,,,,,,,,,,any bleching products,or would you recommend waxing?

Response to 246. If you are female I suggest waxing by a professional. At lease until you learn how to do it correctly for yourself.


Ref 247. hey, um I was wondering ... I have freckles and I know I have to stay out of the sun and wear hats and everything, but you mentioned you would have a mask that would help me also, what is the name? Also I have large pores on my face, do you have a mask for that too? If so whats the name? Thanx a lot.---ME.

Response to 247. ME, The mask that will help in both cases is Natures Enzyme Peel and the lightener, that is not listed on the Gloria Martel's Skin Care Products page. If you need more help send me your email address.


Ref 248. Okay, I have dark golden blonde hair, and I want to get it highlighted (lighter). I have no idea of what color of blonde I need to go for, or what technique, or whatever, to get done. I am a Cool skin tone. Got any bright ideas????

Response to 248. Find the best hair color professional in your area to ask all those questions. They will need to match your color with you skin tone.


Ref 249. i am chinese.but i got quite white skin and my nose is not tall enough.that make me very upset,what should i do?

Response to 249. Use contour to shade each side of your nose to make it look more narrow and that will give your nose a longer appearance. This takes practice.


Ref 250. I have a problem with acne I'm on medication (sumycn and retnin A) how do I know if it will work what is the best medicine?????? Please I am desperate...??????

Response to 250. By the time you read this answer you will know if it is working or not. If it does not let me know and I'll make some suggestions.


Ref 251. My name is Kate and I am 18. I have very dark brown, just below shoulder length straight hair. I am sick of it and I want a change. I don't however want to cut it short. Any suggestions?

Response to 251. Kate, Find a stylist that works with long hair, have it cut only enough to allow for some new styles.


Ref 252. my skin is quite dry and blemishes have appeared,what can i do about it ?????????

Response to 252. How old are you? The Antiseptic gel is a great oil and blemish control, while holding in the moisture. Look on the product page.


Ref 254. Hi,I am only 12.Iwould like to start wearing make-up.But has I get older I am afraid since I started wearing it so young it will make me look old.And also,I want make-up that does not settle in fine lines or wrinkles.Any advise??

Response to 254. First you are too young to be worried about fine lines or wrinkles, if you do have them, stay out of the sun...it is one of the fastest ways to age the skin. Use the lightest makeup to give only a hint of added color. You are right not to want to look old, and too much makeup and the wrong colors can add years to you.


Ref 255. Hi. I'm 15 years old and I have very thin, blonde hair that is just shoulder length and surrounds my very round face. When it dries, it takes the "flip" of my shoulders and it looks funny. I do blow dry it, but then it turns all frizzy. Is there any hair style or cut that would suit me? JG

Response to 255. Have your stylist cut your shoulder length hair in a long shag, instead of on length or blunt.


Ref 256. Hi Gloria. I'm 21 years old with very blonde hair and quite tanned skin. My problem is oily skin. When I first put mr make up on it looks fine but after about an hour my face goes very shiny and greasy. I've tried several undercoats which are supposed to get rid of the shine but they don't seem to work. What do you advise for a matt complexion.

Response to 256. Since you have already tried a few things to stop the oil I need more information from you. This is a problem that can be solved. Send me your email address.


Ref 257. Ref 257. I have fair, sensitive skin with blemishes and blotchy areas. I would like to stop wearing a foundation, but what can I use to help even out the color in my face?

Response to 257. To even out the color of your skin use the Natures Enzyme Peel, protecting your skin with a non-oily sun screen or the Matt foundation I have to help stop the oil.


Ref 259. Hello gloria.
I'm 20 yrs old but I have the looka of a 16 yr old girl. I have fair skin,brown eyes and hair that reaches me waist.I want to create a look suitable fir my age but without using too much make up or hair style that needs a lot of care.My hair is a bit wavy and is the normal/greasy type so I have to wash it every two to three days and I prefer not to use blow drying.
Is it really impossible?What are the best makeup shades and hair styles for me?
Thanks in advance for your valuable advise that I am sure will help a great deal.

Response to 259. My clients who have to the waist hair only wash the scape and a short distance on to the hair. That protects the ends from drying out. Apply makeup lightly, your hair is your attraction. Use natural, neutral colors. Invest in an hour with a hair stylist who works with long hair and who styles for the theaters. Not many people study hair styles for the very long hair.


Ref 260. Hi Gloria, first wanted to reply to Ref217..10 year olds should be putting makeup on barbies!!
I seem to have a problem with my face. I've seen several dermatologists since I was 11, (now 22).
I go see a doctor about my acne, try the products for a couple months and it gets cleared but then I guess either my face
gets tired of the products or they lose its power on me and give up. Thats when I go back and try something else, and it happens
again, great for some months and then all of a sudden products dont work. Ive spent alot of $$ on products and really sick
of it! I do wear makeup, to even out my skin tones..sometimes its really red and blotchy. Do banishing creams work?
I do try to drink plenty of water everyday (which is important) and love powder to control oilyness. Could you recomment a
brand of powder compact or loose that won't harm my skin. Thank You for hearing me out.

Response to 260. I need to ask you some questions about your skin before I make suggestions, send me your email address. There are fading creams that work, what kind of spots do you want to fade?


Ref 263. Dear Gloria:
I'm 12 years old and have a problem choosing the right nail polish color.I tan easily and can make myself look fantastic in make-up.I am sorta light brown(not exactly) and have greenish-brown eyes.I have dark blond hair with a lot of bright blond streaks. What is the right kind of make-up colors that might look good on me?And I have no long nails.They aren't above my fingers. What is a good color besides red or pink?I look awful in those colors?

Response to 263. Now is the time to develop your own best features. Help your lashes become thick, put a tiny bit of vaseline on just the tips and some on your lips as a gloss. Use castor oil on your nails at night and eat foods high in calcium, for long strong nails. Then when you apply some pastel colors in the purple or warm violet you will look fantastic.


Ref 264. Dear Gloria
I'm 16 years old, I'm very tall and my face is long. I got my hair cut short to make my face look fatter but is there anything else I can do to add some weight to my face? Thanks a bunch! Amanda

Response to 264. Amanda, apply your blush just under the cheek bone, and just a hint of contour color under the jaw bone. This helps cut a long face.


Ref 265. Hi I am 17 years old and just experimented with dying my hair blonde, it actually has a sort of red tint to it. I usually wear very light makeup and I normally don't wear any at all, I was told that since I have pretty fair skin I should wear more makeup to look less pale. What would you suggest

Response to 265 I would be very careful who I ask for advice. A pale skin will look like a painted mannequin. The colors you choose to wear near your face can drain your color or enhance your natural coloring. Talk to a professional stylist about your hair color. The red can give your skin a hard look.


Ref 266. hi my name is Jennifer and i am 19 years old and i have naturally curly hair which i colour. I condition it every day but my hair is dry and also gets dull after about a week. How can i keep my hair shiny and soft? is there any products you can reccomend? i live in canada. thanks.

Response to 266. Jennifer, are you eating foods with the essential oils we need? Are your drinking 8 glasses of water daily? You should not have to condition your hair everyday. A build up of conditioner will dull your hair.


Ref 267. hi my name is jessica and all my life I have had circles under my eyes and I would like to know how to get rid of them. I don't think that it is an allergy or diet thing. I just need help finding out what products to use. Thanks for your time

Response to 267. Jessica, I don't know how long your life is. But, dark circles have many causes. I do have a cream to help lighten the discoloration. email me.


Ref 268. **Gloria** Hi I am 15 years old and ever since I was little I have always wanted to be a makeup artist. I was wondering if you know what kind of schooling I have to go thru and steps I should follow. I paractice all the time and I am told I am very good. Please tell me what I have to do. Thanks

Response to 268. You sound like you have a natural talent for makeup. But you must be licensed to work on the public. Look in the yellow pages for a Beauty School and they will tell you how to get the training you need.


Ref 269. Gloria,I have not wore any shorts for a long time because I've got this lines on my legs. It looks really gross.Any advice? I'm tired of wearing pants. I also have uneven skin color. Please Gloria, help me.

Response to 269. Can you cover the line on your leg with makeup? There are cover creams that are used for the theater. It may be that the lines are something only you see. I don't announce my less attractive areas.


Ref 270. Hi, i have a question about hair. my hair is so straight and thin and i was just wondering if there is any thing that can make my hair more curly or at least wavy without getting a perm or using rollers or any of that junk. are there any meds. or herbal remedies for that? thanks form straight hair blues.

Response to 270. There are shampoos that increase the volume in the hair. Find one that works for you. The perfect hair cut will also help lift your hair.


Ref 271. Hello. I have been told numerous times that I could be a model and that really makes me happy but I'm also upset by that because whenever a person see's me they are seeing me with my makeup. I put it on every single day. I wash my face with a mild cleaser, use a spot treatment and lotion, all of which are oil free, but I still get pimples. I don't understand this because both of my parents rarely got ance, and I eat very healthy foods. Help!!

Response to 271. Models not only wear makeup, but they are airbrushed to look perfect. You have a good routine, that is the best help of all, keep it up.


Ref 273. I have a medium olive toned complexion(almost a yellowish) and have dark circles under my eyes.(they are also deep set) When I take vitamins it helps a little but they are still there. How can I cover them up or make then less noticable?? Also I have some red spots on my face from picking little pimples.( I know I've learned my lesson!)What is a quick way to completely get rid of any scars or redness??(It's almost blotchy)

Response to 273. The sun causes blotchy skin. The natures Enzyme Peel will help with the scars. I need more information about your dark circles. Write again.


Ref 274. P.S. Iforgot to tell you my name< Amanda Hall e-mail=stevehall@sprynet.com

Ref 280. I am thirteen. My skin isn't really oily or acne-prone, and I wash my face three times a day. However, lately I have been really breaking out. Half of the spots look like they are beneath my skin and they never go away! It looks really horrible. Should I see a dermatologist for advice? How can I get them to go away, or at least cover them up?

Response to 280. Washing the face 3 times a day can be a bit much. And a dermatologist could give you lots of information about your skin.


Ref 281. Hi Gloria. First of all I think it's really great that you're helping all these people. Now for my question. I will be attending a lot of weddings this summer and want to look my best. I don't usually wear eye shadow so I hope you can recommend which colours would look good on me. I am 23, dark black hair with auburn highlights, black eyes, and olive skin. Also I like the nude lipsticks out there but it is very hard find a colour that suits me because I have naturally red lips. Could you
recommend what sort of shade I should be looking for, or is the look not
for me.Thanks for your help.

Response to 281. I have been out of the state working and have gotten behind on my answers. You are right on. With your coloring a nude lipstick or gloss is great. We wear makeup and color our hair to get the look you have naturally. Wait and wear a colored lip stick when your natural lip color fads. Complement olive skin with warm shades of neutrals, mauves, pinks, and blue, eye shadow.


Ref 283. Dear Gloria:
I have trouble with every foundation and/or powder I use. My skin is dry and I use all professional products on my skin. I have a regular home care regime and my skin looks great, but I want a "flawless" look and just can't find the right foundation. I've tried all kinds of make-up, but am unhappy with the ways it coats my skin. The studio-fix from MAC is too dry looking and it actually has a clumpy look. Any suggestions????? Karen in San Francisco

Response to 283. Karen, You are not too far way, I'm in LA. The problem with the foundation could be the color. I blend makeup foundations to match the skin tone and if it is off even a little the makeup can be seen. I have blended makeup by mail. Write again.


Ref 284.
Dear Gloria
My name is Cassie, and I am 12 years old. I have been wearing makeup for almost a year. At firrst it didn't really matter but now I am really fussy about the colors that I wear. I 've spent over $75 on makeup and I am still not saticfied. I have light brown hair and baby blue eyes. My cheekbones are very highand visible,yet my face is round. Plus I have very full lips. I do have a nice complextion but I am very pale. Help! How con I bring out my facial features and still look natural.

Response to 284. Cassie, Maybe you are spending your money in the wrong places. Find a color consultant in your area. Where are you, I may know of someone who can help you. Wearing your best colors is one of the most important things to do. You do not need a lot of makeup and your skin will not look pale. Your eyes will come alive. It is the best way to spend your money.


Ref 285. Hi, I am a 16 year old girl and I break out all the time little zits not big ones , and they show through my makeup and it always looks caked and I can't do anything about it and I use Merile Norman makeup Ivori0 and I use rubbing alchol and I use nutregina and all sorts of things on my face to clean it and I am Blonde and blue eyed and wanted to now what colors to use? Please help


Response to 285. Smiley, Before we get to the colors, let's get your skin cleared up. Look on the Skin Care Products page for the Antiseptic Gel and the Natures Enzyme Peel Mask. These 2 items could help your skin. Pick pastel colors, let your hair and eye color shine.


Ref 287. Hi. I am 40 . I have sholder-length curly,frizzy hair. I apply mousse to keep it under control. It just makes my hair so stiff! What other products or strategies would you reccomend?

Response to 287. Ask your stylist for a cut that will keep the frizzy's controlled. They also have the latest info on hair products.


Ref 288. Hi, Gloria! I've just turned 16, and lately my skin has gone to pot. I used to have clearer skin than most people my age, but now I have some blackheads on my nose and chin, as well as some pimples. I take very good care of my skin, and it has never broken out before. Sometimes I get impatient and try to pop my blemishes, but it usually makes them worse. If I don't, though, they won't go away for literally several weeks. I have combination skin. Please help me.

Response to 288. Kristina, Have you been under stress since the breakout started? Are your periods regular? Tell me about your diet. I have more questions than answers.


Ref 289. Hi, I'm 14 years old and I was wondering: how can I wear makeup but make it look like I'm not?

Response to 289. A tiny bit of vaseline on the tips of your lashes and on your lips as a gloss. When you have a big date use neutral earth tones.


Ref 290. I have really oily skin and I have tried everything. I use mild cleansers, but my face is shiny in about five minutes. It is really embarrasing, do you have any suggestions? I am at a total loss!!!

Response to 290. Don't use moisturizers, or hot water. Do other people in your family have oily skin? There are lots of things to do, I could write a book, let's cut it down to a page, I need more information for good suggestions. Write again.


Ref 291. I have a round (fat) face. What can I do with make up or hairstyle to make my face look narrower?

Response to 291 Wear your hair straight to the jaw line. Use contour in the hollow of the cheeks.


Ref 292. Hi, Gloria. I'm a 26 year old guy and think I'm okay looking in most respects, but I have these really thick coarse eyebrows that point up and out and make me look like frankly pretty demonic. Periodically I trim them, but the next day they're back. I asked my hairdresser if she had any suggestions, but she didn't seem to have a clue. Do you have any ideas, or can you tell me what kind of a professional I might consult to get some knowledgeable in-person advice? Thanks.
Barry (bush brow)

Response to 292. Barry, look up a makeup artist, they will reshape the brows and show you how to control them daily. Best!


Ref 293. Hello, I am 20 yrs old. I have brown eyes, and my skin complexion is sort of tan. My biggest dilemna is eyeshadow, the reason being is because I wear glasses. What I would like to know is what colors should I use for my eyes, and what is the best way to apply eyeshadow?

Melanie Ortega

Response to 293. Melanie, Avoid, shiney or pearlized. If your glasses magnify your eyes wear soft eye shadows. Apply a peach or skin tone shadow over the entire eyelid. Choose a warm earth tone, neutral muted shades of gray, taupe or soft purple. Choose a pencil to match the shadow. Apply the accenting shadow color along the crease, as well as to the outer third of the lid, extending outward and up, blend. This should be the darkest area of the shadow. Apply the pencil to under the outer third of the lower lashes. Now you must play and practice to find your look.


Ref 294. Dear Gloria;
I am 42 yrs old i have dabbled very little in makeup mostly because it wasn't allowed when growing up. I have dark brown eyes, medium golden brown hair, and high cheekbones with light colored skin. my problem is how to propery appply makeupalso the colors that would best suite me? can you heop me?
kate myers

Response to 294. Kate, please see #293, your coloring is almost the same and the application is only a starting point to find your look.


Ref 295. Hi Gloria!
I am a twenty year old African American woman with a very fair skin tone. This summer in particular, I have noticed an abundant increase in facial oil. I have to constantly wipe my face. I've tried astringents as well as cream scrubs. Nothing seems to be working. I've even tried using soap to dry it out but my skin is oily within twenty minutes. Please help. Can you please reccomend a producut/s that will help my situation. Thanks-a-bunch!!!

Response to 295. Ms bunch, I need to know your age and how your environment, hormones or diet have changed. There is a reason for the sudden change in your skin. You don't want to dry it out, there are other ways to keep your skin moist and control the oil. Email with more info.


Ref 296. Hi,My name is melisa and i have bad bags under my eyes and everyone makes fun of me!and i was wondering if theres any way i could take them away instead of covering them up all the time. thanks a lot!!!

Response to 296. Melisa, How old are you? It's best to find the cause of the bags. Have you been checked for allergies? Let me know.


Ref 297. Hi, My name is Amanda and I was wondering how to take away wrinkles under neath my eye area or any way I could cover them up? and there's one more thing ..my nail shape sucks!!!!!!!

Response to 297. Amanda, how old are you? Yes the best way to prevent and firm up lines or loose skin under the eyes is with exercise. Look on my page for the face exercise. In many European countries, the girls start face exercising by age 8. My book Face UP will be out by the middle of Oct.


Ref 298. hi im sixteen with blond hair blue eyes and a light complextion i also have freckeles and was wondering the best way to hide them . also my eyebrows are very dark and i have small deep eyes so my eyes often look dark so i was wondering how to brighten up my eyes and make them look bigger?

Response to 298. Shape your eyebrows, lift them by removing the strays under the brows. That will give more space between the eye and brow. Apply a light skin tone eye shadow to the entire eye, especially to the hollow, and apply the accent color to the area that you want to push or recede. Don't line the entire eye, it causes it to appear smaller. Line only the outer third to open the eye.


Ref 299. Hi Gloria I was wondering how to get rid of freckles without lasers. When you get a chance e-mail me if you can mdyou@juno.com

Response to 299. I have fade cream for freckles.....


Ref 301. I'm fifteen and I was wondering how i can make my upper lip look larger without looking fake. Also, i would like to know a color that would look natural but still enhancing for moderatly fair skin. thanx!

Response to 301. You didn't tell me your eye, hair or skin coloring, your lipstick should enliven your natural coloring. Line your upper lip with a pencil, just on the outside edge of the lip line.


Ref 302. Hi! I'm 15 and for as long as I can remember I have had dark purple/blue circles under my eyes. I have medium/dark brown hair with reddish auburn highlights, moderatley fair skin and hazel-green eyes. I was wondering if there is any way to cover these or any way to get rid of them without doind anything major.

Response to 302. Darlene, The fade cream may work for you. There are many causes for dark circles, tell me more about your sleep, allergies, diet, is your skin light, which allows the color of the veins to show through. Are you wearing makeup or clothes with a cool blue tint?


Ref 303. Hey!!! My name is Nicole. I was wondering my friend told me that the reason why some people have zits and others don't is because of makeup I mean is makeup a the result of my zits? I started wearing makeup ion grade 6 and I'm 16 now and I'm going into grade 10 I have zits and wear makeup. I'm planing on getting contacts will wearing makeup on my eyes eritate my eyes?
Thanks I would really appreciate your help

Response to 303. Nicole, Only the wrong kind of makeup for your skin type would cause a zit, otherwise, makeup foundation is a good protection from the sun, pollution, and retains moisture in the skin. Many of my clients wear eye makeup and contacts without any problems.


Ref 304. dear Gloria,
I recently gave my self a makeover but I have seemed to notice
that I get quite bored with my look after a couple of weeks, if
I like to change my hair style at least 5 times a year and now
I am bored with my make up is htere any suggestions that I could
use to help me not go crazy every couple days?

Response to 304. Yes, find the real you, your look, your natural colors. You will not tire of the real you.


Ref 307. Dear Gloria,
I have been having problems with dark and puffy circles under my eyes. Lately, I have developed allergies and sinus problem. I have always had some dark circles underneath my eyes, but they have become more prominent and puffy over the years. Can tea bags on my eyes be the solution. Please help me. I don't use concealer and foundation to cover-up.
Best Regards,

Response to 307. If you have discovered you have had allergies for some time, that is one of the main reasons for your dark circles. Clear your allergies and watch the dark circles go.


Ref 310. Hi Gloria-I was reading through these and noticed someone asking if you knew a way they could put some weight on their face.I have the same problem.So is there any way to gain weight in your face?And I know you answer questions about makeup,but do you know how I could gain weight in the rest of my body.I am ashamed of the way I look and in 8th grade,i didn't even wear shorts to school.I eat fairly a lot but still don't gain anything.So I would really appreciate if you could give me some tips or information about someone who might know how to help me.Thanks! Sydney

Response to 310. Sydney, I too could not gain weight, and if I ate sweets I lost more weight. Everyone wanted to fatten me up or hated me for being able to eat a lot. Is this what has happened to you? Just relax, that is the biggest help in gaining weight. Wear clothes that don't draw attention to just how thin you are. Eat a healthy diet. Appreciate who you are and that you are healthy.


Ref 311. It's Sydney[Ref310] again.I just wanted you to know that I'm not bulemik or anarexic{I can't even spell them}.It's just that I weigh a little
{about 10 or 20 lbs.}less than the average girl my age(14).I have small bones and I need desperately to put weight on them.Thanks again.

Ref 313. Hi Gloria. I am 31 years old and my nose is too big. It is not wide, it just has a bump-shape on thef bridge of it. Do you have any suggestions as to how I can apply makeup to it to make it seem smaller? I have blonde hair and a light complexion. Thanks!

Response to 313. Carefully, apply a contour a shade darker than your skin tone, to the top of the bump. Blend the contour color into the makeup foundation until your makeup looks even. Practice is very important.


Ref 314. hi my name is Anjena nanwani and i am 15 years old i was wondering if there was a cure for falling hair at my age?

Response to 314. Anjena, There are so many causes for falling hair - have you had a check-up with your doctor? Are you under stress, that is one cause for falling hair.


Ref 315. Hi my name is Allyssa and i'm 14, i have a fair skin but it's really hard when i put on blush, it won't even my skin tone, do i have to use foundation before i use blush? Please give me some suggestions.

Response to 315. Allyssa, Apply a small amount of loose face powder before you apply the blush. Move the brush over the blush and tap the tip of the brush to remove the excess blush. Apply in a smooth stroke across your cheek bone. Putting a color blush on an oil skin will look uneven.


Ref 316. Hi Gloria, I am nineteen years old and have never really worn makeup except on special occasions, where people have helped me to decide. I have black straight hair, dark brown eyes with thick, long lashes and many freckles on my nose and cheeks. I have no clue on what colors for my eyes or lips will go best. Any suggestions??? My skin tends to get dry and is a medium tone. Thank you so much for your help, Kristine in Bloomsburg

Response to 316. Kristine, you have striking features. Keep your colors natural, dark mauve, beige, slate gray. Black mascara, a soft red or beige lipstick. Apply one color to one side of your face and a different color to the other side. Stand back and see which one enlivens your skin, hair and eyes.


Ref 317. dear Gloria,
i am 15 years old with light skin w/freckles,and my skin is dry and oily, dark brown hair,and greencolored contacts(i have poor eyesight) and i was wondering what kind of make-up I should use that doesn't make me look all made up and cheap?

Response to 317. The warm earth tones are great natural colors and a muted purple eye shadow will pop your eye color.


Ref 318. Hi Gloria. I am fourteen years old and I need your advice on the best way to keep my hair soft. My hair is medium length, wavy/curly and dry. It also has baby curls along my hairline.

Response to 318. Don't wash your hair every day...that drys it. There are some very good oil treatments on the market. Are you eating essential oil daily?


Ref 321. Dear Gloria,
I have a small on my face that I got about 6 or 7 years a ago on a family camping trip do you know of any products that I could use to make the scar go away my Mother told me to use Cocco Butter and apply it over the scar for a couple of months but is there anything else out there and if there is will the be totatlly gone

Response to 321. Some people have had a bit of success applying Vitamin E oil to scars. Laser will also help to remove it.


Ref 322. hi. My name is Sarah and i'm 12. I'm looking for a great face maque. Have any suggestions?

Response to 322. Sarah, Look on my page of Skin Care Products, the Treatment Pak would work well for your skin.


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