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Makeup Tips File Drawer #4

Ref 178. I'm planning on going to prom this year and i want to look my best. I'm Asian/American
and I was thinking about doin gthe exotic smokey eyeshadow thing, but i'm not sure which
colors to choose or how to apply them. I had heaps of mag's that explained how to acheive
this look, but I threw them out(lucky me). So I was wondering if you could give me some steps
on how to do it. Thanks a lot. You can e-mail me at jazmin@earthlink.net

Response to Ref 178 Go to the cosmetic counter where you can try some eye shadows and apply one smokey color to one eye and another to the other eye. You will see which one brings out the beauty of your eyes.


Ref 179. How do I make a wide nose appear thinner?

Response to Ref 179. Contour or shade very lightly the sides of the nose with a powder that is one-half shade darker than your make-up. Get feedback from a trusted friend.


Ref 183. i am 52 and have been told from many people that i sure don't look my age. but i have dark bags under my eyes.my grandmother also had these.did i get them from her?what can i do??

Response to Ref 183. Dark circles are often because the skin is thin around the eyes and the blue color from the veins shows through from under the skin. You may need to get a concealer.


Ref 184. I color my hair blond and I have fair skin. My eyebrows are the problem. They are still my natural hair color, a very pale brown. I want them to be dark. What product/method could I use to bring out my eyebrows? Thank you.

Response to Ref 184. Use a taupe eyebrow pencil.


Ref 185. Dear Gloria,
My face could us a break from all the make-up everyday but what I want to use something natural instead of things that are man made.

Response to Ref 185. Make-up foundation is not like the old clog your pores product of long ago. We need it to help protect from loss of water in the skin and as a sun screen.


Ref 187. i have very dark to olive skin. i have reddish brownish hair. i mostly use clinique, but for a person who NEVER breaks out its starting to happen. i also have violet contacts that really bring out my eyes but my makeup doesn't match. help

Response to Ref 187. I blend make-up foundation to match the skin perfectly. The perfect match will give you an even tone and a glow. Write again if you are interested in having me match your skin.


Ref 188. i have red hair and brown eyes, with pale skin. All make up i buy, appears to give me a pink tint. what color base should i but to get rid of the pink tint?

Response to Ref 188. Not all make-up has a pink base. A peach tone would be best.


Ref 195. I am mexican and 14 and have 2 long wrinkles on my forehead
where I breakout a lot what can I do

Response to Ref 195. There are exercises to remove that long line on your forehead, write my again, is it horizontal or vertical?


Ref 196. What makeup/foundation is used on shows like Melrose Place and 90210 for
the women? Please.

Response to Ref 196. TV make-up is a thicker, pancake type to give the most coverage.


Ref 197. Dear Gloria,
I have shoulder length browish-blond hair and I cut my hair in a layer a few months ago, but now I'm trying to grow it out and now it looks like I have split ends, and it looks uneven. What should I do to make it look more even without cutting it?


Response to Ref 197. Georgia, wear a hat until it grows or have a hair stylist trim the ends so that it will grow in evenly. They will only take the ends off.


Ref 198. Hi.I am a sixteen year old female from South Africa.I have blond hair,blue eyes and a oval face.I just want to know what color make up would most flatter me? Also my hair tends to get greasy.What can I use to help without drying it out,that could also be purchased in South Africa? Thanks, Kerry

Response to Ref 198. Kerry, You have a great look without much make-up. Do use sun screen. Your make-up foundation will also help protect your skin. Line your eyes with a color that is a dusty, or muted darker shade of your eye color. It may take time to find just the right color, you won't be sorry. Also, a taupe or light brown will look natural. I have a book "Face UP" that will tell you just how to find your best colors for make-up and clothes. Use a shampoo for oily hair.


Ref 199. gloria,
can you tell me how to get rid of black heads on your nose and keep them gone.

Response to Ref 199. Blacky, the nose is usually very greasy, the pores fill up with waste. Clean your skin in that area twice a day. Use an exfoliation mask and do not apply any other creams or oils to that area.


Ref 201. I need help with make up colors. my hair is medium blond. i have fair skin and green eyes. i prefer neutral eye make up with pretty cheek and lip color, thanks for your help.

Response to Ref 201. Please read 198...I have a book...Find an eye pencil that is a grey purple color, not a bright color. Try a blush in the light pink or pale corals with lip stick to match.


Ref 202. What is the best cream or gel product to use in the morning to make
the puffiness around my eyes go away?

Response to Ref 202. Don't use a cream around the eyes at night. Try my Hydro-Night gel. In the morning you spray it with water and apply the Day Lotion.


Ref 203. Hi Gloria,
I'm an 18 year old caucasian with a medum skin tone.I have hyperpygmentation on some spots in my face. Can you recommend any good skin bleaches for that problem?

Response to Ref 203. When I had that problem I tried all the over the counter bleaches, they only burned the skin. Go to your dermatologist for a prescription drug.


Ref 204. Gloria, Can you help me ? I'm a 27 year old Australian suffering from a brown coloured pigmentation along my jawline. ( I am fair skinned ) I have heard of 'skin peels' Do you recomend them as an answer to my problem ?

Response to Ref 204. Jodie, sun screen even on a cloudy day is a must. Laser may be something to check into.


Ref 205. Gloria I need your help. I'm sixteen and I have an overbite. My parents don't have insurance to get me braces. Is there a way that I can get braces so I don't have to get them later?

Response to Ref 205. Do you have a dental school in your area? They usually work for very small fees. Good luck.


Ref 206. Can you help me? I am 20, and I have been on retin-A and other acne medications for a few years. However, my face is still breaking out all the time. My face has a reddish-tint to it because of the retin-A and when I put on my make up, my face color never matches my neck color. What should I do?

Response to Ref 206. Retin-A can be very irritating, especially on a sensitive skin. There are other reasons for your breakouts. Write and tell me where your breakouts are. A touch of green in your foundation or applied under the foundation will cut the red and you will have a smooth even look.


Ref 207. Hi Gloria,i am 16 years old and i have a dry T zone so when i put on foundation it builds up over the dry skin, what should i do? I also have some bad ache and dont know how to clear it, especilly whwn im about to have my period, do you have any suguestions?

Response to Ref 207. A dry T-zone at 16 sounds like you need to use the enzyme exfoliating mask to remove the dead cells. Using harsh cleansers can strip your skin of its water and oil. To answer your question about your breakouts, write again, where is it located on your face?


Ref 208. Salutations Gloria, I am 17 years old, I usually have dark blond hair which i have recently dyed blueberry, I have blue eyes and a light complexion. I was wondering what lipstick and eye shadow colours should i use for my blueberry hair, and my blond hair as i like to be as daring as possible without looking stupid. Ta!

Response to Ref 208. Try a dark blueberry eye pencil and shadow, that will match your eye color and hair.


Ref 209. Hi, My name is Sheila I have Green eyes and olive skin, and brown hair what color eye shadow would look best on me?

Response to Ref 209. Sheila, use a plum or purple based shadow and watch your eyes POP!


Ref 211. as a dark skinned black woman I would like to know what color make-up is best for me?

Response to Ref 211. You need to have your make-up foundation blended to match your skin perfectly. Too light and you will look ashy and too dark will age you.


Ref 212. Hi. Well, I was bitten by a dog about 2 or 2 months ago and now I have
these scars on my wrist and it looks like I tried to kill myself. The
scars are not that deep. What can I use to hide the scars. I'm using this liquid
powder foundation, but it doesn't help much. What can I do? I have pale skin.
Please help me?!

Response to Ref 212. Laser will help remove the scars. Look in your phone book for a Laser clinic.


Ref 213. Hi.....'
I'm very dark undernieth my eyes...it's not because i don't get enough sleep...why? And how can I hide them..I've tried covercream...didn't help! Which covercream should I use?
Bye from Jeanette in Denmark

Response to Ref 213. Jeanette, the color could come from the veins that are close to the surface of the skin under your eyes. Have you checked for allergies? Are you anaemic? Young women often are. Your eye shadow and eye pencil could be a color that highlights the color under your eyes. Write again. What is your eye and hair color?


Ref 214. What colors are in style for lipstick and any makeup in general?

Response to Ref 214. The color in style is always the colors that make you look your best. There is a chapter in my new book, FACE UP on how to find the colors that are perfect for you.


Ref 215. What color is in for your nails?
What are the newest hairdos?
What is the top selling brand of makeup?
Is that the best brand?
Is it exspensive brand?

Response to Ref 215. I do not do fad colors. We get one chance at a first impression. Use the colors best for you. Not any one brand of make-up is good for everyone. I know what goes into my products and the care with which they are manufactured. That is most important.


Ref 217. Hi I am 10 years old.I was wondering what age you are sapposed to start wearing makeup.When I just wear it at home My friends say I look great in it.I have know Idea what to do!

Response to Ref 217. Wait as long as you can. You have a natural beauty that make-up will dull. When you are in doubt as to what to do DO NOTHING!


Ref 218. Hi, Gloria. I am a 15 year-old girl with really pale skin, curly black hair, and blue eyes. I have a really hard time finding makeup to go all three of these things well. Any suggestions on colors? Also, since my skin is so pale, you can see the veins around my temples--I'm afraid people are staring at them.How can I cover them without looking too made up? Thanks for any help you might have.

Response to Ref 218. A wisp of hair at the temples will shadow the veins. It sounds like you have an Elizabeth Taylor look, wear very little make-up. A little eye liner in a darker, smokier blue than your eyes. Match your make-up foundation perfectly to your skin.


Ref 219. Dear Gloria: Hi, I'm a 17yr old and live on my own. I find that scince I've moved out of my faimly home that i've begain to develope dark blue/black circles under my eyes that look as though they are brusise. I was hopeing to get rid of them before I go out to anymore job interveiws. I work as a reseptionist and have to look the good.Any tips that you could giive would be highly apprieciated!
Thank You

Response to Ref 219. Sarah, You may not be getting a deep restful sleep even though you sleep all night. The health food store will have an herb to help you fall into a deep sleep for 2 or 3 nights to help break the cycle. Check your diet, we don't always eat well when eating alone. Are you anaemic?


Ref 220. Hi, I was wondering if you can solve my problem: I tend to have really shiny skin in the summer. And now that summer is here, I don't know what to do!!! How can I prevent shiny skin without the use of makeup??? Please help!


P.S. Please reply ASAP! Graduation's comming up!

Response to Ref 220. Melissa, I need a little more information. Is your skin oily? If so were? What cleanser and creams are you applying during the day?


Ref 221. I am a 42 year old african-american female. I have dark circles under my eyes and have tried a number of types of concealer (liquid, stick), a number of brands but you still can see the circles. I've never had any other problems with my skin, and have a light coffee complexion. any suggestions

Response to Ref 221. Have you rubbed the skin under your eyes anytime during your life? The skin under the eyes is so delicate and thin that the color of the veins show through. Are you anemic? How is your diet and sleep? I have more questions that answers.


Ref 222. Hi! my name is limor and I am from Israel.
I am 12 years old, I wanted to know how to keep my face clean and preety even in this terrible age... help!

Response to Ref 222. Limor, Use a mild cleanser, and rinse well, twice a day. Avoid any harsh products that scrub, and dry your skin. Drink up to 8 oz's. of water a day. Half of it upon arising in the morning. Eat a balanced diet for you. These are the best foundations to a great skin.


Ref 224. Ref 224- Hi my name is Danielle. I have medium auburn hair and I want to get
my hair streaked at the salon but I'm not sure how light I can go. What do you reccommend?

Response to Ref 224. Danielle, Auburn hair usually has beautiful streaks to start with. Think again before starting something that may not turn out well.


Ref 226. gloria, i am a 23 year old white female with very nice skin tones, but i have two very deep scars on my nose. the scars are like chiken pox scars, but much deeper do you have a remedy for covering these without having to cover my whole face?

Response to Ref 226. If you want to remove most of the scars permanently call a laser clinic and ask about Laser to remove scars.


Ref 230. i was born with dark cicles under my eyes.i have blue veins under them too
it looks like i have a black eye.doc said to get the vein surg. removed but too close to eye.
i also have eczema.help!

Response to Ref 230. I would listen to your doctor's advice.


Ref 231. I am 12 years old and I'm trying to get the hang of finding the right colors for me and applying me makeup correctly. I have dark brown hair (almmost black) and dark brown eyes. My skin is really really light. My lips are really bright pink naturally Kind of a snow white type face. Any tips? Thank you VERY much, Amanda

Response to Ref 231. You are the one I want to buy my book "FACE UP". You are just starting to find your colors and this book will give all the guidance, step by step on just how to do that for yourself. You will never have to ask someone else if this color is right for you. You will have found your perfect colors yourself.


Ref 275. dear Gloria,
I'm 16 years old and African American. I have extremely long (half-way down my back) thick hair that gets curly/wavy when wet. I have to blow-dry my hair strait, using a comb attachment on my blow dryer. It Absolutely fries my hair, leaving it extremly dry and very hard to manage. I never wear my hair down, but I would love to. I've tried all kinds of conditioners, but it seems as thogh they just sit on my hair, making it very oily. Could you give me some tips and products on how to get my hair strait, silky, and not oily. By the way, I have a relaxer on my hair. THANX!!

Response to Ref 275. Visit your hairdresser and find a hair style that will not require blowdrying everyday. Let your hair rest and get health. This can take up to a year.


Ref 229. I am a 20 yr. old African American female. I have dark brown skin and eyes and medium length black hair. I do not wear make-up but I would like to start. What colors would you recommend for a natural look?

Response to Ref 229. First find a foundation make-up that matches your skin perfectly. Start with deep warm, colors such as dark burgundy eye liner and shadow. For evening use deep bronze colors. Start neutral!


Ref 277. Ref 277- i would like to put a little more puffiness to my eyes, what do you suggest? jchaney@datasys.com

Response to Ref 277. I don't understand wanting to put more puffiness into your eyes.


Ref 278. Dear Gloria,

I am a 14 year old boy who needs help with face. I have oily skin.
I would like to know if you know a way of getting rid of pimples and
sun damage. Do you also have a way for making you hair look alot more

Response to Ref 278. Lonli, I have a great Facial Mask to help control the oil and pimples. Wear sunscreen everyday to stop sun damage.


Ref 279. Dear Gloria,
I would like to get a really dark tan on my face and body but every time I lay out in the sun I get tons of freckles and my face gets discolored with white spots. How can I get a great tan without getting freckles and white spots?
Thanks! your appreciated greatly! Amanda

Response to Ref 279. Amanda, you can't get a sun tan and have a beautiful skin. Your skin is trying to protect your internal organs by creating freckles. The white spots are a lack of pigment in the skin. The color will not return. Wear sunscreen everyday. You will look younger longer.


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