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Makeup Tips File Drawer #2

Ref 76. Gloria,

I'm 30 and just starting to not be "carded" anymore and not hearing
all the surprise remarks of looking younger than I am. My skin
has changed somehow and I'm not quite sure what has changed, except
perhaps the moisture content. Are there any makeup tips which
can emphasize youthfulness?


Response: Signs of aging usually begin to surface when we reach 30. There is a biology shift that takes place about age 25. Sun exposure will speed up the aging of the skin. Proper skin care is most important to keep the skin moist and young looking. If you are interested in skin care products E-mail me at: facetoy@aol.com


Ref 77. I am going to audition for a musical and I was wondering how drastic my makeup should be. Should I wear a lot to look older or do I wear a little to look natural?

Response: Research the part and makeup to look as much like the person they are looking for as possible. Don't leave anything to the imagination.


Ref 78. Ever since I was four years old, I have had this red dot on my face-(also known as a spider or something like that.) Over the years it has faded, but I would like to know what is the best cover-up makeup to get. I have tried many and they only help for a little while. I have heard that DermaBlend is very good to use. Is that true? Please recommend some others. Thanks, Sarah.

Response: You can have the spider veins zapped by the dermatologist or laser, then you won't have to try to cover it up.


Ref 79. I have dry patches of skin around my nose. Is there any way to get rid of that? Thanks!

Response: Dry patches indicate a lack of water in the tissues...The Hydro-Night Gel applied at night will add moisture to your skin. Do you rub those areas often?


Ref 80.The color of my skin is tanned light brown and I get pimples sometimes and when ever I do I have a problem picking them. The problem is that after I pick them they leave a scar beind. I try hiding them by putting on foundation but I get more pimples if I put foundation on so what do you suggest I do to hide the scars? Thanks.

80. Don't pick your pimples, have a facilist clean your skin. To cover the scars use a camouflage cream to match your skin color. Apply the cream directly on the scar; feather the edges with fingertip and blend into the surrounding skin, the scar should become invisible.


Ref 81. Hi, i am thinking of using Cliniques Non-streak bronzer for men. Is it in anyway unhealthy and will I be able to get a natural tan from the sun at the same time?

Response: Hopefully the bronzer will be a good replacement for tanning in the sun. Skin is damaged and ages with over exposure to the sun's rays.



Response: Keep your eye shadow lighter than your eye color, a light blue or mauve. The shadow's pigment will fight and the brighter eye shadow will win.


Ref 83. Hi. My long-lasting lipstick often makes my lips dry. I am wondering if it would be
okay to wear a lip moisterizer underneath.Thanks

Response: Danielle, try a vitamin E stick on your lips first and then use a lip pencil.



Response: Try a light turquoise, taupe, or brown.


Ref 85. Gloria:i love my eyes, they are a grey-green color with amber flecks. i would like to know how i could play them up, what colors should i use?? i have fair skin and reddish brown hair. thanks!!

Response: Try a gray-grape, or light brown to bring out the green color of your eyes with an apricot or gold shadow.


Ref 87. I don't have any freinds and I'm really ugly and fat. How can I get some friends? People make fun of me because I use too much blue eye shadow. Help

Response: If you wear blue eye shadow, who will see you? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder....You are the first to see yourself and send out the feelings that others will react to. See the Nutty Professor.


Ref 88. I want to use an eyeliner that looks natural and really defines my crystal
blue eyes, blonde hair and fair skin.What colours and products should I use that aren't
too expensive and can buy at a drug store?

Response: Try a light brown or a smokey gray liner. You may find something on sale.


Ref 57. Dear Gloria, do you know any good foundations that cover-up very good,
doesn't look cakey, won't cause breakouts, and won't dry out your
skin? THANK YOU!

Response: I have a great foundation that covers with a natural look and lets your skin breath. Otherwise you will need to just try different foundations until you find the one that works on your skin.


Ref 58.
What can you do to minimise the look of freckles other than concealer which tends to look
a little to fake, is there any kind of fading creme or anything else.? Also is there anything you can
do to help your hair to grow faster other than regular trimming.?

Response: It seems that from the beginning of time people have been trying to get rid of their freckles. They have used lemon juice, buttermilk, vanishing creams etc....There are many movie stars who are beautiful with their freckles. After all they became movie stars with those freckles. So, until the magic cream comes along, stay out of the sun light, that increases the number and darkens them. Think of them as beauty marks! To help your hair grow, brush your hair each day for a good 10 minutes.


Ref 59. Dear Gloria, I have an ENORMOUS problem that is effecting my life. I have a very red face! This is not due to broken capillaries but capilliaries very close to the skin in my cheeks. I also have high blood pressure which doesn't help. I have tried using a green toned concealer to disguise the redness but it only makes me look pasty. What can I do?

Response: Reducing your high blood pressure is very important. High blood pressure can cause the capillaries to expand just under your skin causing the skin to look red. See your doctor. Try adding garlic and cayenne pepper to your diet. Also, check for upsetting emotional thoughts and feelings, you can not believe how fast they can raise the blood pressure.


Ref 60. Dear Gloria, lately I have been breaking out lately. I
usually have great skin but thats when I go out of my way to take care
of it. I am a very busy person and don't have the time to ensure the
health of my skin. Is there anything that you can offer me that will get
rid of my oily skin AND It is 3 steps or less??

Response: Good skin and health deserve our attention. Without it we have less time. Do you have enough vitamin B's in your diet? They are very important. Don't over wash, use harsh cleansers or hot water on your face.

1. Use the Treatment Pak in the morning instead of washing your face. 2. Apply the Antiseptic Gel before bed or under your makeup, it will help to sedate oiliness.


Ref 61. Gloria, I'm very allergic to most soaps on the market. What alternatives are there?

Response: Soap residue is very difficult to remove from the skin and is irritiating. The Skin Cleanser is soap-free, cleaning away impurities without irritation or dryness.


Ref 62. Gloria-
I've got back acne really bad! Please help! Where can I buy treament in Wisconsin? I don't want it to be really expensive. I don't suppose you know any I could pick up at Walmart?
Back Ac
P.S. My mother's name is Gloria, unselfish with her belongings and time must be a name thing, huh?

Response: I know the products I have been working with for many years that give the best results and I can recommend them. Do you have long hair that lays on your back. A great deal of heat and moisture can build up under there and cause the oil glands to become over-active. Blackheads are not caused by dirt. Don't do excessive cleaning. They need to be removed by an esthetician or dermatologist. The Skin Cleanser and Antiseptic Gel will give you good results.


Ref 65. My face is dry help!

Response: How old are you? We inherit many of our skin traits from our parents. Our first moisturizer is water. Drink 8 glasses a day. Drink the first 4 glasses when you first get up. Does your diet have enough fats and oils. Add oil to your salad. Use the Day Lotion to help eliminate moisture loss from the surface of the skin.


Ref 66. dear gloria,
I have a photo shoot in less than two weeks and i'm thirteen years old .
can you recomend any tips to get me looking healthy and good.

Response: A gentle scrub the night before, plenty of rest and drink lots of water.


Ref 67. gloria.
I have shoulder length light blonde hair, fair skin and blue eyes.People tell me
that I am atractive.The only thing is I have to wear cover up for red blotches,Foundation to
even ou my skin tone,pressed powder,white eye shadow to make my eyes larger along with taupe to acent my brow bone,
blush for my light skin,darkbrown liner on the top lid and light brown on the bottem,and finally nude lip liner and stick.I try to make me look as natural as possible because I'm only thirteen well almost fourteen. How can I look beautiful with less make-up?

Response: I think you just need to build the confidence to leave the makeup off. To your own self be true. It will take you longer to get used to seeing yourself without makeup than anyone else. Don't hide the real you!


Ref 68. I am fourteen years old and I have to get modelling pictures done in a week.
I have abreakout of pimples on either side of my nose, dark circles under my eyes,
red blotches beside my: nose,chin,and forehead and dry skin under my nose and chin.
I have dry,flaky red blotches on my shoulders,buttocks,legs and stomache.I'm thinking it may be exima.
I have fair skin.How can i treat and get rid of this?

Response: I think you have a case of nerves. Visit a dermatologist or a professional esthetician. Good luck!


Ref 69. Gloria,Hi! I am 17 and I am trying to get into modeling because I need
an "in" into the business - I want to be an actress. My skin is fair,
my eyebrows are kind of low and during the summer my light but deffin-
itly there freckles come in. I try to wear all browns and earth tones,
but I still don't feel like I'am achieving the "natural" look. Any

Response: Brown tones do not always have a natural look on everybody. My face looks dirty when I wear anything darker than a taupe. Try some pastel shades.


Ref 70. please give me the best solution to pigmentation problem. I have 2 dark lines surrounding my mouth. They look like mustache. I have a fair skin except these two lines and some darkness in the cheek area. These make me look like hell. Please help me.

Response: I don't know how old you are but it sounds like you have a lot of sun damage already. Using the Natures Enzyme Peel with help minimize uneven discoloration. Especially effective when used once a week followed by the Mineral Mist.


Ref 71. Dear Gloria,
I'm 15 and I have very pale skin, with millions of freckles, blue eyes, and blond hair.
I have trouble finding a foundation that doesn't look tacky with my freckels I like the natural look, but sometimes it just doesn't work with
my skin sometimes due to breakouts. I also can't ever find a lipstick to bring out my lips but not make me look like that's all there is to me!
You'd probably have to see me to know exactly what I mean. One more question, is there anyway for me to tan easier?
I always burn or get no color!
Your response would be greatly accepted,
Kelsey e-mail: spike@newportnet.com

Response: Try a pale coral lipstick, on the brown side.


Response to Refs 69, 70, 71: Sun exposure is one of the most damaging and aging things we can do to our skin. It becomes dry, the elastin and collagen diminish. This damage does not wait until you are older, it starts right now. As you get older your skin will look like an old sea captain's. The sun stimulates the pigment, causing brown spots and freckles. Brown sploches do not look healthy. Skin cancer is not pretty and it is reaching the million a year mark. And its victims are getting younger. Stay out of the sun! Wear hats, clothes, and sunscreen when you are out in the sun.


Ref 73. I am 17 and still covered in zits, what do I do?

Response: I suggest that you visit a dermatologist.


Ref 74. I have natural curly sandyblond hair. Alot of my friends say they
would trade me any day and some say that they think I should try
something new to my hair. I agree I need to try something new because I am
sick of this look.Any suggestions for a new hair style. Also what
causes freckles. How can I make them go away or at least cover them?

Response: You need to ask a hairdresser that you trust. They will work with the shape of your face and hair texture. Stay out of the sun, it actives the pigment, resulting in more skin damage and freckles.


Ref 75. how can I be an actor ?

Response: I refer you to the Hollywood Network actor's chat rooms. There you can ask seasoned actors how they did it.


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