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Makeup Tips File Drawer #14

Ref 725. Hi I am just getting in to make up and I don't know if thereis a speceil way to put it on . I have another question what is foundation do.

Response to Ref 725. Foundation blends uneven skin colors. If it is the correct color it will bring a brightness to your face. To learn how to apply the foundation get a beauty book or go to a professional makeup artist for the first time.


Ref 726. I have fair skin and light freckles all over my face, is there any fading lotions out there to make them a little less noticable?

Response to Ref 726. In the olden days women patted their faces with buttermilk leaving it on for 15 minutes or more and rinsing it off. They also kept the curtains closed for the whole day of a party, so that not one ray of sun would hit their skin. Today stay out of direct sun and wear a sun block. Hats are beautiful. As a last resort love your freckles.


Ref 727. I have pale blue eyes any way to enhance them?

Response to Ref 727. Use a light gray eyeliner this will not take away from your light eye color.


Ref 728. Are there any good self tanners out there for pale skin without the orange look? Is it bad to use them too often?

Response to Ref 728. We have our own body chemistry that reacts with the ingredients of the products we put on our skin. You need to try different products to find the one that works for you.


Ref 729. Any way to fade FRECKLES!!!?

Response to Ref 729. Please refer to answer for 726.


Ref 730. I have naturally long lashes whats the best way to show them off to their full potential.. product names?

Response to Ref 730. You have what my clients and me are looking for - Long Lashes. For special events you may want to use an eyelash curler before you apply mascara. To show them off use a dark brown mascara on the upper and lower lashes. Lucky you!


Ref 731. Gloria,
I have dark blue eyes is their anyway to make them look lighter and bigger also I'm 14 and I would also like to know if there is a way to make me look older. ( fair, blue eyes, blonde hair) One more thing I'm 5'3 and would like to know if there is a way to make me look taller.

Response to Ref 731. Amy, it sounds like you want to be someone else. First how about liking the way you look, you are cute and how you feel about that is more important than anything else. Stand really straight, good posture will add to your height and give you a taller look. You can wear shoes with thick soles that add inches. Keep your makeup very natural - earth tones.


Ref 732. Gloria,
My nails are weak and my cuticles are awful what are the best products to get them in shape? Thanks Jessie

Response to Ref 732. Jessie, I still find that drinking Knox Gelatine strengthens my nails. Just dissolve a packet in a glass of water and drink it a couple of times a week. To soften the cuticles use a cuticle cream at night before you go to bed.


Ref 733. I have been using vitamen E on my stretch marks for some time and I am not seeing much of a difference is there anything else that you suggest?

Response to Ref 733. If your stretch marks are old there probably won't be much change. It has better results on a fresh scar.


Ref 734. Hi I am a 14 year old girl and I have blond CURLY hair, dark brown eyes and pale skin.
I have a gard time tryin' to find a color that would look nice on my eyes. help

Response to Ref 734. Try shell pink and a light mauve eye shadow for a soft look. Use a dark brown mascara and a rose pink blush for a healthy flush.


Ref 735. this is going to sound incredibly lame and i don't know if you are the right person to ask but.... i have a very small head and i feel that i look funny! Any haircuts to help my troubled cabesa? Thanks I am happy i could provide your laughs for the day.

Response to Ref 735. Nothing is lame when it comes to our feelings. Now what to do about how you feel about the size of your head. A hair stylist standing and looking at you as a whole person will be able to suggest the best hairstyle for your look and hair texture.


Ref 736. hi Gloria,
my name is Juanita and Im 12 years old. Im tall and skinny with long blond hair and freckles. Plus blue eyes. I want to know some hairdos I could try. my face is almost oval. Im bored with normal ponytails.
Tanks heaps.

Response to Ref 736. Juanita, The oval shape face can carry almost any hair style and shape of hat. Have fun and find what you like the best.


Ref 737. Gloria,
I have pale blue eyes and pale skin w/ freckles all over. I want to try and enhance my eyes because I have really long lashes that usually clump when I put on mascara. I also have heard of remedies for lightening freckles ( could you suggest some)? *Thankyou*

Response to Ref 737. To fade freckles stay out of the sun. Use mascara to enhance your eyes. Dark brown or navy blue would be best for your coloring. Use a light gray eyeliner to enhance your pale blue eyes.


Ref 738. I was wondering, you probably use a whole line of different cosmetics
and I wanted to know which cosmetic company offers the best make-up.


Response to Ref 738. Use the makeup that feels and reacts the best with your skin. That's one of the reasons we have so many different cosmetic brands, not everyone can use the same ingredients.


Ref 739. hi! i am writing to you to ask whether you would know how i can lose weight like i used to. i was smoking for over 6 years and now have quit and the weight is piling on. please help me.

Response to Ref 739. Have you had a physical exam by your doctor? You need to balance your vitamin, minerals, essential oils and protein intake...the key is balance and moderation. Some people have sucked on a cinnamon stick instead of smoking or eating to satisfy the oral sensation. A fad diet that promises quick weight lose is not the answer.


Ref 741. I love freckles cuz they are cute, but they are getting old! I wanna' change; I've had them my whole life!! COould you please tell me something I could do to lighten/cover them? THanks. a_kiss_is_a_kiss@hotmail.com Please email me. This is like the only site that'll answer a q like this!

Response to Ref 741. It is the most popular question I get. Read ref.745.


Ref 744. Hey Gloria,
I have dark redish auburn hair,and green eyes with light skin. What kind of
colors would compliment my face. Also, how can you minimize large pores?

Response to Ref 744. Once a pore is stretched, it cannot be permanently shrunk but the use of enzyme masks and dermabrasion of the pores can cause the pores to look more refined.


Ref 745. I like freckles and I am not seeking the perfect complexion with flawless skin... I would just like to lighten them a little because I am not crazy about them and I want a new look. I stay out of the sun and wear spf 30 when I am at the beach. Any other suggestions? Thankyou

Response to Ref 745. I think more people have freckles these days because of the long time they spend in the sun. There are skins that are prone to freckles even without great exposure to the sun. What causes splotches? Pigment (melanin) in the skin absorbs ultraviolet rays to protect the lower layers of the skin from damage. When you start to tan, your skin is trying to protect itself and your internal organs. Darker skinned people naturally have more melanin in their skin than fair people. The fairer you are the more vulnerable you are to sunburn and discoloration and freckles. Discoloration and freckles darken the more sun exposure you get. Those who consistently overexpose their skin to the sun increase the risk of premature aging and even skin cancer. Skin cancer is on the rise here and is at such a high level in Australia it is against the law for children to go out and play at recess without a hat. The damage that is done to the skin by the sun accumulates over the years, a sun burn damage at age 5 may not show up for 20 years.

Choose your sun screen or sun block to suit your skin type. The block you apply may or may not work, and its protection time can be short - read the label to find out when it needs to be reapplied. If you must have a tan try one of the chemical ones on the market. If you want great skin protect it.


Ref 746. what's the best way to enhance pale blue eyes and give my pale skin a little bit of color

Response to Ref 746. Try a navy eyeliner and a light shell pink or light mauve. Use a soft beige foundation to match your skin tone.


Ref 747. okay here is the thing... I have freckles-alot of them and I am looking for a cheap way to make them less noticable. I was wondering if I used a fake tanner on my face would it blend my skin w/ the freckles or make them tanner as well?

Response to Ref 747. Please refer to answer 745.

Ref 748. I have dark circles around my eyes, can you please tell me the cause of this and how can I get rid of them? They really look bad.

Response to Ref 748. Check for allergies, too much sugar, too little sleep, and are you getting enough protein? The skin under your eye may be very thin so that the color of the veins shows through the skin.


Ref 749. i am planning on dressing as a victorian lady of wealth this halloween
season. could you, please, give me some tips on make up that would
resemble the period 1890-1915? thank you.

Response to Ref 749. Pick up some books from the library about costumes and make up of the eighteen hundreds. The ladies of the time stayed away from the sun and especially on the day of a party. They wanted their skin's to be milky white. You could use a white makeup base and red lipstick. Have fun.


Ref 750. Dear Gloria, I have heard that the cast of Baywatch uses a self tanner called "Baytan". Apparently it is very good. I was wondering if you knew anything about it, or if you knew how to get ahold of the company that makes it?

Response to Ref 750. Check your beauty supply store - they should be able to help you find Banytan.


Ref 751. Gloria
I am 15 years old and have bought quite a bit of maekup but nothing really seems to "float my boat". I have l. brown/dirty blonde hair and big eyes. I want to wear eyeliner but i am not sure what color to use and how much to use. Please help me! thanks

Response to Ref 751. Rachael, stay with the neutrals and earth tone eye liners and shadows. Try the warm tones and then the cool ones. You'll see which one looks the best on you.


Ref 752. I am 14 and I have this gross curly hair, it's not gross but lets just say that it feels pretty much like straw. I have dyed my hair about 5 times and it's really dryed out and brooken! Please help me! Thank you,Brittany

Response to Ref 752. Brittany, give your hair a break and let it regain it's healthy condition. Wash and condition only for a couple of years you'll see how beautiful and shiney it will become.


Ref 753. What is the best product to use to cover dark under eye circles? I have red hair w/fair skin. Thank you.

Response to Ref 753. Dab a little white color corrector over the dark circle under the eye with your third finger. Make sure the coverage is even before you apply the foundation over the corrector, blend well. There are many brands on the market, find one that is best for your skin type.


Ref 754. Gloria,
I am 16 years old and as a kid I was really fat. I was a size 14 at age 12 and am now down to a size 8. Unfortuneatly I was "gifted" with some really awfull strech marks. Is there anything that I can do to get rid of them?

Response to Ref 754. Laser surgery may be able to help.


Ref 755. Gloria,
I am 35 and my skin is normal and I have never had skin problems. When I was in my early 20 's I was using Clinic which was great at the time but when I entered into my 30's is switched to Bio Medic which I have been using since the summer of 97 and my skin has responded well . But this weekend I heard about Victoria Principal's skin care line and she puts vitamin A & E and has Aloe Vera and Camomill in her skin care products and the Bio Medic has Alcohol and different kinds of Acid and no vitamine A or E or nothing that sounds healthy . So should I switch to something that has more vitiamins in it or stay with what I am using?

Response to Ref 755. Every skin responds differently to each new product. I have clients that are allergic to natural ingredients and did well with synthetic ones and vice versa. Use the product that your skin responses the best to.


Ref 756. I need help on makeup techniques to make close & deep set eyes look bigger. Where do I apply shadow? Light shadow on lids? Darker above crease into brow bone? Brush shadow up at the outside of brow bone? Thanks for your help.

Response to Ref 756. Use a light eye shadow such as a beige on the inside corner of your eyes. Apply this from the upper eyelid to the brow over 1/3 of the eyelid. Apply an earth tone shadow on the outer corner of the eyelid bring the color around in a circle under the outer corner of the eye, smudge the color to the center of the eye. Sweep mascara through the top lashes on the outer corners.


Ref 757. Hi. I'm 18, have extremely pale skin, blue eyes, small cupid's bow shaped lips and med-light blonde hair. I like to emphasise my eyes due to my small mouth, but I have very dark under-eye circles and fine lines I cannot seem to cover up. What should I do to disguise them, whilst still making my eyes the focal point of my face?

Response to Ref 757. Please refer to 753 for dark circles. First clean and shape the eye brows. Remove any strays from under the brows. Enlarge small eyes by using a pale pink shadow over the entire eye area. Use a brown liquid eyeliner next to the top lash line, smudge a brown shadow over the eyeliner for a soft look. Smudge small amount of the brown shadow next to the bottom lashes. Use brown mascara on the top lashes only.


Ref 758. I have thin straight eyebrows that are so boring but I can't really do anything with them because they are already thin and have no arch in them. Is there anything that I can do with them to frame my eyes better... I heard good eyebrowns are an essential for framing the eyes etc... thanks

Response to Ref 758. The distance between the two brows over the nose should equal the width of the eye. The arch should be directly over the iris, looking straight ahead. The brows should point toward each other rather than downward toward the nose. Tweeze to remove unwanted brows. Use an eyebrow pencil that matches the color of your brows to fill in and enhance your eyebrows.


Ref 759. I have pale skin w/ lots of light freckles. I heard of some product called baytan i want to try but my question is while in the actual sun do your freckles get darker and increase even with sunblock? I f I wear sunblock can I get a tan without darkening my freckles

Response to Ref 759. Please refer to answer 753.


Ref 760. I have blue eyes and dishwater blond hair and fair skin. What is the best eyeliner and shadow color to use. Also, I have large eyes, how do I make them look smaller?

Response to Ref 760. To soften large eyes, use smoky shadow around the entire eye. Highlight directly below the brow. Shade from the inner corner of the bridge of the nose diagonally to the brow. Apply brown eyeliner to upper and lower lashes.


Ref 761. I have very fair skin and my face has some red and purple veins showing. They are mostly located on my nose and high cheeks. How do I cover them up?

Response to Ref 761. Try using some cool compresses with chamomile lotions. Use a protective sun screen when in the sun.


Ref 762. I have large pores on my nose and can not seem to get rid of them. I don't eat fried food and I use a Lancome face cleaner.

Response to Ref 762. To refine dilated pores; Clean, and use tightening masks on a consistent base. The pores dilate to allow the flow of sebum from the glands. They tend to be concentrated in the T-zone of the face.


Ref 763. Can rubbing and messaging your skin get rid of cellulite?

Response to Ref 763. Diet and massage have helped some people reduce their Cellulitis. Good circulation is important.


Ref 764. I have really pale skin and like to wear red lipstick when I am out at nighttime. However, because there is a huge difference in the color of my lipstick and skin, my lips always end up looking crooked no matter how carefully I apply my lipliner and lipstick. What can I do (and still wear the same color)?

Response to Ref 764. Lip fix should hold your lipstick in place.


Ref 765. I am about to have an operation that will leave me with a six inch scar on my shoulder. What can I do to cover this up for when I am wearing dresses/sleeveless tops etc? I don't want to look like Frankenstein!Help :)

Response to Ref 765. As soon as your doctor gives you the ok start using Vitamin E; it seems to help heal scarring. If that does not work you could always try the laser.


Ref 766. Hello, like 762, I also have this problem, have you ever used or heard of the pimple extracture? What do you think I should use. And can i make this go away?

Response to Ref 766. Please refer to answer 762. To use the extractor, find a professional to train you to use it properly so you do not damage your skin.


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